This blogging business is not going so well because I'm lazy. The weekend is fast approaching (in approximately 1 hour and 22 minutes) and I haven't even blogged about the last weekend yet. Anyway, enough of this nonsense.

On Sunday, I managed to go to the workroom for the
Love & Rummage Trunk Show, bought a few neat things, sat around on the workroom couch for a while and took some photos.
And then OT and I walked down Queen street randomly taking (more) photos and window shopping (mostly because the stores were closed). We ended up at a Vietnamese/Chinese Restaurant for dinner.

On Monday, I was back at the workroom for the Snap Coin Purse workshop. Shown below is the fruit of my labor (trust me, there was a lot of laboring - mostly of the eye straining variety.)

And now we're all up to speed because there isn't much to say since I didn't burn any toast this week.